How To Seal A Diamond Painting

Posted by Lynn Hamilton on 13th Dec 2021

So, you've just completed your diamond painting and, like any proud artist, you want to preserve what you've created for years to come.

But, how do you seal a diamond painting?

The whole point of a diamond painting is to create something dazzling.

Nobody wants to put in hours and days and weeks of hard work and focus, only to have it fade completely away in a few years.

So, what to do with a finished diamond painting that you want to preserve?

It's time to bring in a few choice sealants.

Join us, today, as we break down how to seal your diamond painting kits.

We also made this helpful YouTube video.

In this article, we didn't distinguish between a square drill painting or a round drill painting, so assume these techniques work equally as well on each.

Preserve Your Diamond Painting

Once you've completed your diamond painting, the object is to seal it in so that the square diamonds or round diamonds are locked in place.

When you archive, display or just keep one of these paintings around, you want to keep it in pristine condition for as long as possible.

This will significantly increase its longevity and let you enjoy it for years to come.

Plus, the adhesive canvas does lose some of its sticking qualities over time.

What You'll Need

Sealing is a technique used for paintings across all mediums.

Before you start work on sealing your diamond painting, you're going to need a few supplies, even beyond the sealant.

These diamond painting tools for sealing include:

A roller or a heavy flat weight

A foam or bristle paintbrush, cloth or piece of foam

Tweezers for picking out hair, lint, and other contaminants

Of course, the star of the diamond art show is whatever sealant you happen to choose for your project.

Sealer glues and finishes are popular.

Sprays are more convenient.

Whatever you choose depends upon your specific wants and needs. But let's take a closer look at your options.

Brush-On Sealants

Sealing a Diamond Painting

A brush-on sealer is the all-in-one solution when it comes to sealing a diamond painting.

Available in a range of finishes, this multi-functional product glues, finishes, and seals your diamond art for a perfect finish.

Not only that, but it's water-resistant, making it ideal for diamond painting kits mounted without frames or glass panes.

In these cases, where it's likely your painting will be exposed to moisture, dust, and other contaminants, over time, you need protection.

One of the most notable drawbacks to this style of sealant is its effect on your diamond picture's shine.

Some of your painting's sheen will be lost after sealing.

As a final note, brush-on products also mean you can't roll your paintings up once you've sealed them.

As a super good diamond painting technique use a damp cloth to wipe off any excess sealant.

This will keep the diamond gems sealed in place but will remove most of the sealant from the top of the diamond dots.

Your diamond art will continue to sparkle and shine.

Spray Sealants

As an alternative to brush-on sealers, eerosol products can be used to coat finished diamond paintings in a crystalline layer.

Spray products don't work like standard glues, meaning they don't fill in the gaps as well between the diamonds.

This can be a problem or a benefit, depending on what you're using it for.

These sealants are popular for retaining the sheen of diamond paintings over time.

It's waterproof, like a brush-on seal, with the added benefit that it prevents yellowing.

As a spray, it also dries rapidly and will let you roll up your canvas, unlike with a brushed-on painting.

"How Do I Seal A Diamond Painting?"

Before you get started with the sealing process, it's best to be safe.

Make sure to put your pets and children somewhere separate.

Set your diamonds, to start with.

You can do this by running over the canvas with a rolling pin or some sort of heavy weight.

You'll want to take the same approach you did when you first flattened out your canvas.

Your goal, here, is to make sure your diamonds are tightly locked into the canvas and, as we've mentioned, that they are completely flat.

Simply apply the pressure in a gentle manner so as not to damage your diamond art.

As far as diamond painting tips go, we assume you've mastered the craft already.

But if you're looking for a sealant tip, you're in the right place: lay down an old tee shirt or dishcloth on top of the canvas to prevent any significant scratching or damage to the diamonds.

Next, you'll want to break out your craft brush and dip it into your diamond painting sealer.

Whether you use foam or a bristled brush is up to you. What's important is to make sure you have a brush you feel comfortable using to apply the sealer.

Obviously, if you opt for a spray-on seal, the brush isn't as much of an issue.

Whichever way you get the job done, start by applying the sealer to your canvas in big broad strokes.

You want to cover as much of the canvas as you can, without leaving anything uncovered.

Apply a full coat and make sure nothing is left untreated.

As the coating continues to work its way between each diamond in your painting, it will harden and protect them.

Pro diamond painting technique: if diamonds come loose or pop out during this phase you can always pop them back in as the sealant dries. But do it before it dries completely.

Before the sealant has the chance to fully harden, take your tweezers and use them to pick out any stray hairs or grit on the painting.

Whether you choose to spray or paint, what happens next is that your sealer will turn into a thick white layer.

Don't worry - even though it looks a lot like glue, at this point, the layer will become increasingly transparent as it is left to dry out.

Here's another video on how to seal a diamond painting.

Diamond Art Sealing

Creating any kind of painting is hard work, even if you're really good at it. Diamond painters with newly-finished artwork know that feeling, all too well.

You've put in hours of hard work putting your best diamond painting techniques to work on the best painting of your career.

Now, all you want is to preserve your masterpiece for years to come.

The passage of time can dislodge gems, even though they are designed to stick to the canvas forever.

With judicious use of sealants, whether spray or brush-on, you can create something that lasts.

You may choose to frame it or cover it in a glass pane. Maybe you decide not to cover it at all.

Whatever the case may be, the best diamond painting sealant technique is the one that lets you enjoy your art both in and out of the frame.

Looking for more 5d diamond painting blog content, from painting to framing and beyond?

Check out some of our blogs, and then discover our online store for some of our outstanding diamond art kit collections.


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Head over to Diamondxpres today and order some of the best diamond painting kits in the world.

Thank you.

Lynn Hamilton at Diamondxpres